Have you ever texted your hairstylist to set up an appointment, only to realize it's not that easy? Before you know it, you have been texting back and forth for days (because you are both busy) and your stylist has a million questions... especially if you are a new client. Why is that?

There are so many considerations when you want your hair done. It's not a "One Size Fits All" kind of thing and we need a lot of information to map out exactly what you want and how we are going to accomplish that. We need to know the previous colors that have been used on your hair. We need to know what your hair currently looks like and what your hair goal is. We need to know what color your hair was when you were a child. We need to know how damaged or healthy your hair is. We need to know if you want to cut your hair or just color your hair. We need to know how often you went swimming in the summer. We need to see your skin tone so that we can make other recommendations if need be. We need to see your face shape so the we can color and cut according to your face. We need to know what your lifestyle is like. We need to know what kind of color you are willing to maintain. We need to know the products that you use and if they will strip color or help keep your hair healthy. We need to know your budget. We need to know the reasons that you want a big change. We need to know if you will take care of your hair appropriately after the appointment. We need to know if you are on medication. We need to know if you are pregnant.

If you don't want to make your hair color appointment harder or more expensive, please don't use any kind of box dye (including Splat, Manic Panic or Overtone), Kool-aid or lemon juice to change the color of your hair. You will find that most of these "temporary" colors are anything but temporary and require a huge time and money commitment to take out and/or correct.
So, next time that you text your hairstylist, or a new hairstylist, do yourself and them a favor and ask for a consultation. Most hairstylists even offer a free consultation! In one 30 minute appointment, you can have all of your questions answered and your hairstylist can create a plan for your hair. Or, you can text them and maybe get some answers throughout the week. If we aren't in the salon, we are doing other things with our lives and it can be really hard to answer so many questions as well as get all the information that we need.